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A Spirit Appears at Varanasi Train Station

When leaving Varanasi by train, I was taking a photograph outside the train station. The above image is what I captured. If you look at the lady in red (or is it a woman) with the bag next to her, the beam of light seems to be either coming from her head, or from the sky.

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Doorways to India

Doorways are always fascinating. From its dream representation of a transition to another layer of our conscientiousness to its symbol of rebirth, doorways are the perennial archetype of making decisions, wanted or not, in our lives. Dreaming about a door is suggestive that you are in need of change, or that you are currently undergoing a transition from one stage to another.

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My First Taste of India

My first meal in India. I still remember it like it was yesterday.

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How to Shoot in Abstracts

What is shooting with abstracts, and why is it important? Well first of all, shooting in abstracts will help you compose your pictures with more dynamic qualities and interesting design as well as better composition. I often look for abstract shapes before I take my photographs, and in this article I will show you what I look for in composing my pictures in abstraction.

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Negative Japan

While traveling through Japan in 2005, I shot some images in negative form. The final product was quite similar to Japanese paintings of old. Seeing images in a different way can spark new approaches to old concepts.