Beautiful British Columbia

Beautiful British Columbia

Fall is here and I took off for the weekend to BC, Canada to take some more images. I rented a cabin in Fairmont Hot Springs at the Timbers Resort. Cute little out of the way place in 50s style wood cabins. You can read my review at TripAdvisor. This was a jumping off point for me for this unique area. The land is a mix of lakes, Columbia in particular, and brush along with wood mountains. Nothing like we get in Alberta. Much smaller.

There isn't a lot of places you can pull over in BC. Not sure why. There are large enough shoulders to park a small car safely, and then take off and look around. I also found in this area a lot of private land, especially around the lake. I did find cubby holes in which to slide through and get into more public domains.

There is a lot of old growth in BC and a lot of dead wood. For me this is exactly what I was looking for. A trunk here, branch there. Good center of interest stuff while having the lake in the background.

When I left this area on my last day I went up to Radium where there are a couple of areas along the road where you can hike in on trails. I love the smell of the forest. The cool breeze, pine and moss. I could have stayed there for hours. One of the reasons I go into the mountains. They have tried to manufacture this smell in airfreshners, but nothing is like the real thing. The fake is very overwhelming and hideous.

Coming back I stopped off at Marble Canyon. This area was devastated a few years back with fire. You can now see trees growing in amongst the burned limbs of the existing trees. Quite an eerie site, but beautiful as well. There is a river and gorge that runs through here and you can hike through well maintained pathways along the river. I plan on returning soon before the snow flies.

I hope you enjoy these images.

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