Newfoundland - The Jewel of Canada

Newfoundland - The Jewel of Canada

After vacationing in Newfoundland with my friend in the Fall 2011, I have come to the conclusion that it is the jewel of Canada.

 Newfoundland is an island in the Canadian Maritimes on the East coast of Canada, and has the most easterly point in St. John's. Labrador is also apart of Newfoundland, but we only ventured through the island. This island has it all, mountains, flat lands with brush, multiple small and large lake areas with little islands spotted about. Most magical.The coastline meanders here and there with small fishing villages in coves and inlets. A great place to get lost in and shoot images.

The people are warm and inviting, and who were willing to answer what ever question you had or show you the way even by riding with you until you reached your destination.

Our travels began in PEI renting a van and loading it up with camping gear. Driving through Nova Scotia we managed to reach the North Sydney marine port just before our ship left. The drive there was crazy, as we took a longer route around up and down hills at night on a single lane road. I wouldn't even count it as a highway. The ship left at night and I went to sleep as my friend played cards with some New Foundlanders and roamed the ship taking pictures.

In the morning we reached the Port aux Basques on the west side of NL, and drove off the ship. Wow. Right off the bat we could have shot hundreds of images that could be all postcard worthy. In fact almost every inch of NL could be postcard worthy. That is why I call it the jewel of Canada.

We drove the main trans Canada highway all the way to St. John's shooting as much as we could. We were told before we left that there are thousands of moose on the island. Yeh right. We didn't see one. In fact I started thinking that this was a joke played on us. Even in our short time in Gros Morne provincial park, didn't see anything. However, many people we talked to said they had just seen some.

Once in St. John's we visited Bell Island a short boat trip from St. John's East coastline, with rocky high cliffs and some fog. Fog is good.

Driving back we happened upon Twillingate and sleepy little port town, just north of Lewisporte. It is a collection of little islands that are connected by bridges. It was a beautiful little place and we spent a couple of days here. The most exciting time was shooting sunsets.

If you really like quite trips with a lot of scenery, then NL island is the place to go.


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