
Doorways to India

Doorways to India

Doorways are always fascinating. From its dream representation of a transition to another layer of our conscientiousness to its symbol of rebirth, doorways are the perennial archetype of making decisions, wanted or not, in our lives. Dreaming about a door is suggestive that you are in need of change, or that you are currently undergoing a transition from one stage to another.

I have always had a draw to India throughout my life and I found myself constantly drawn to doorways on my trip. Stepping over thresholds can lead to great adventures, discovering secrets that lay behind, or starting new opportunities of which India was for me. The saying "when one door closes, another one opens", is very relevant here. The door beckons the dreamer to transition through to a new phase.

I took many pictures of doorways in India, and loved all of them. They are beautiful in there architecture, shape texture and depth. Stepping into India was stepping into an exotic land filled with wondrous sites, smells and experiences.

I hope you enjoy some of the selected few below.

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