
My First Taste of India

My First Taste of India

My first meal in India. I still remember it like it was yesterday.


Although simple I still think that this was the best meal I had in India. Maybe because it was the first and was soooo good. I had other meals that were very scrumptious, but this one I still remember. I thank The Hospitality Home and Bed & Breakfast owner for supplying me with this meal. I had arrived in India in the afternoon and the owner offered a free meal to me as a gesture of friendship.

On the meal you have first the dish. An ordinary metal plate with different compartments. On the top is a spicy toxicly good mango pickle. Now I say toxic because its strength could move mountains. I have never had something like before, but I will be looking for it back here in Calgary. Wow hot, sour and spicy. You can get a mango sweet version of this that is quite nice too. It isn't as strong as this spicy version, but it is equally good. Having both on your plate is wonderful combination and adds so much more to your meal.

Clockwise is a simple potato curry. Also hot. On my tour, many of my compatriots were inquiring for hotness in their meals, but we never seemed to find anything to write home about. Even when we said, "give us what you would eat hot", nothing transpired. This was the hot we looked for in the rest of the trip.

Next, yoghurt. Different from what I have here as this is usually homemade, not store bought. A lady at home gave me a recipe for making it. First take a cup of milk and bring to a boil, but as soon as it boils take it off. Let sit until warm. Take a tablespoon of plain yoghurt that you bought from the store and stir it in as the starter. Once you have created your own, you can use that as a starter. Cover and put away in a warm, but not hot place, like maybe your stove or counter top. Next day you have yoghurt. This yoghurt will not last long. Maybe 1 or 2 days.

Last, paratha. Nan bread stuffed with vegetables, usually onions, spice, potato (a major vegetable in India). Greasy, but good.

Well, there you have it my first meal in India.

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