
A Spirit Appears at Varanasi Train Station

A Spirit Appears at Varanasi Train Station

When leaving Varanasi by train, I was taking a photograph outside the train station. The above image is what I captured. If you look at the lady in red (or is it a woman) with the bag next to her, the beam of light seems to be either coming from her head, or from the sky.


This picture has not been altered or Photoshopped, and comes straight from my Sony Xperia P phone. There are no lights behind the woman so the beam can't be coming from behind her. The beam ends abruptly in mid air. When viewing that same area by the eye, no visible beam of light could be seen.

There were no light posts anywhere near this lady. If you look at the light streams on the left, they are not as brilliant as they are from the lady. There is a tall light standard about 50 feet from where I am standing on my left, but the light is coming out of the lady and going right and up, so tall light standard on my left can't be the source.

There is another light standard 100 feet to my right, and back another 50 feet, but the angle of the light beam doesn't allow for that light source to make the beam, and the beam clearly ends abruptly. What's even weirder, the shape of the light at the top is a perfect oval, or circle depending on you point of view, and is intense. Since the light on my right is at my back, my camera phone would never pick it up.

The only other light sources are on the building and they are too far away to be of any consequence.

After taking the photograph and looking at it, I immediately noticed this mysterious image. I looked up and the lady in red was gone. Now, she isn't going anywhere as her bag is on the ground. The 5 seconds it took for me to look at the image, then over where the lady should have been, would have still put her exactly where she was. I scanned the entire area looking for her, but she wasn't there. She isn't taveling with anyone. The group of men on the right side of her, don't seem to be with her. She just vanished, and in Varanassi of all places. Varanasi is one of the seven holiest sites for Hindus, and many come here to die or be cremated. Sounds eerie. Well it is.

I showed my image to several people on my tour, and no one could explain it, other than Varanasi. Can you?

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